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Forum Index » Profile for thesniper » Topics created by thesniper
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Why were KO's altered? 8 thesniper 7309 19/06/2014 03:36:13
thesniper [Latest Reply]
General discussions
With the server now in Germany, we need a host your own server option 7 thesniper 7270 14/06/2013 18:59:11
johnbludger [Latest Reply]
General discussions
Everytime someone loses now, they blame it on the other fighter "slowing" the game down 8 thesniper 7289 24/04/2011 04:27:13
Red Viper [Latest Reply]
General discussions
Maxie cheating/freezing fights, freeze KO
[ Go to page: 1, 2 ]
16 thesniper 9900 30/11/2010 20:00:25
thesniper [Latest Reply]
General discussions
Title/Shots 0 thesniper 4478 31/10/2010 17:46:35
thesniper [Latest Reply]
General discussions
Retiring 12 thesniper 6037 05/11/2007 14:51:27
Ray Johnson [Latest Reply]
General discussions
New interface takes up way too many resources 13 thesniper 5821 10/08/2007 09:49:11
Oscar [Latest Reply]
Technical issues
Tired of "Serious Business" - He should be banned 4 thesniper 5478 24/01/2007 03:49:34
HTF [Latest Reply]
General discussions
Coming back 9 thesniper 7031 06/12/2006 17:23:42
Paul Dion [Latest Reply]
General discussions
I hope 3D is better than what 2D has become 12 thesniper 6895 15/11/2006 02:47:46
Donny_king [Latest Reply]
General discussions
My Retirement. 3 thesniper 6062 26/07/2006 20:57:11
Skillz [Latest Reply]
General discussions
Great fight for OBW Title 3 thesniper 6091 15/06/2006 16:58:28
Fernando Vargas [Latest Reply]
General discussions
The funniest excuse I've ever seen for losing a fight 12 thesniper 8890 10/06/2006 00:48:02
Donny_king [Latest Reply]
General discussions
OBC Title 2 thesniper 5689 23/04/2006 22:11:22
HTF [Latest Reply]
General discussions
Forum Index » Profile for thesniper » Topics created by thesniper
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