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Messages posted by: Redneck
Forum Index » Profile for Redneck » Messages posted by Redneck
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ok captain america. I am ready for the 2nd round. I hope you are prepared.

johnbludger wrote:
Mikkel wrote:Yea 3 points

ok soo that means that redneck has -3 right?

Anyways, Redneck the server is back up

of course it does not mean that i got -3 points. That would make no the real Supesix the ones who lost stay at 0 points etc. Only one with 3 points is abraham at the moment. but his opponent got not -3 points now. google it.


...and the server is still not on the list to choose.
nice fight john. server was closed during fight and no server anymore to choose. I hope mikkel fix it soon that we can do our second fight.
I hope not 10 rounds again Kiss the floor earlier please.
1:0 John

Mikkel wrote:Edder and boon why are you fighting a round 2 fight ? round 1 has to be over first. This was not a super six fight sorry bout that.

i know that rule. Thats why i told boon that it is not possible to fight him for round 3 (at the beginning my 3th fight was marked against boon) before i fought john etc.
You got luck boon

i am online john. come fight...i gotto tell you what went wrong yesterday. mikkels new hobby is erasing important come online.

Rocky Marciano wrote:I play myself and make my own music. Anyway most of the so called big time "artists" just play and sing music composed of other people. Actually making and creating music is difficult while just playing and singing is much easier. People who compose music are the artists not the monkeys who get to the stage and act like it is their music.

i think you are right. But i prefer the ones that are artists and monkeys, same time. Thats why i prefer rock-bands..they write their own music and play it live. I think to give all your heart into the performance its absolutely necessary to write it before.
Thats why i dont like all this soulless pop-bastards publishing on radio (bands i still like on the radio are the cure, green day and some songs of coldplay etc. but this bands write their own music)

johnbludger wrote:
Rocky Marciano wrote:Honestly how long did it take for you to come up with and write all that in your sig?

It must have took about 4 hours. Then again, Yacoob is good at making large interesting stories.

LARGE Stories, yes. GOOD Stories, no!!! lol
Rocky Marciano wrote:Actually you are wrong Viper.

This game is not about boxing skills. This game is all about reflexes and being smart (knowing what to do, when to do, how to do and how to trick your opponent into doing something).

yeah maybe you are right rocko...but in this game we call it boxing skills

i dont think this rankings are right. I think fatny was the best player since i started playing and that was late 2005. till he came back from his thailand-trip he dominated (maybe Unstoppable and Salvador beat him here and there but he was better). So put in your years 05, 06, 07 and 08 Fatny.
multiple his skills from nowadays x4 and you got the fatny of this years. This was what i saw this years...maybe others got other opinions because he is just a shadow of the fatny of this years nowadays.


signed A lot of fun awaits us


P.S.: I just logged in to train for the event but noone is there. Its always the same on sunday nights. Its the emptiest day on OB (and the Singleplayer-bots are done in the first seconds of the match)

i saw two fights of the Supersix so far. Abraham vs. Taylor and Kessler vs. Ward. Very entertaining fights (damn..Kessler looked like a noob against ward. But i still think he will fight in the finals against Abraham. Ward is fast and good defense/offense work but Abraham got the heavy gloves and excellent infight skills. Froch and Dirrell still got to show me more of their skills (just saw parts of their fight but i think both will lose to Kessler and Abraham and Ward while Taylor gets asskicked from them). I think Taylor is the weakest of the tournament. Kessler and Abraham will fight the final. Or maybe another surprise in Super Six? I love this event.

-Emile (aka toosmooth etc.)
-Captain America

oh Yacoob. You are not worth my time. If i think of Yacoob i see a little idiot sitting as Champ on OB and refusing really everyone to fight. Just average fighters or noobs get the shots. All other get some "Eddie Murphy" language that was up to date in some movies in the 80's.

yeah. I like our battles, too. I try to get online more often again. Sometimes if i look good in our fights and i think "yeah..i get him now" you come with something tricky or stylechange and my hopes are gone
dont know how...but you often conjure a smile on my face. You got your own style in fighting and commenting

Dick E. Boon 2 wrote:
Fatny wrote:IMO john or red viper should be next, they may not be as good as me/htf/larry were but really, who gives a shit, ...

I think old skool players have the tendency to think that everything used to be better in the old days. Id like to see some HOF´ers come out of their semi-retirements and test their skills against John, I think they will be surprised how good this guy really is.

I agree on Red Viper being inducted as well. He may not have dominated as other HOF´er but he is something special, a great fighter and a colorful personality. A living legend who never got the respect he deserved during his career, just like Vincent van Gogh. I think people will start to appreciate Red Viper after his death.

Viper proved so many players wrong during his career. As a fighter he is best to be compared with Mike Tyson in his prime. Both were fast and fearless angry young man who tried to knock you out inmediatly once the fight got started. Tyson may not be the best fighter out there also, but he left his mark on boxing, and so did Viper.

No one will remember 20 years from now guys like Labratory or some joke called Ashton, but they will remember Red Viper. Mark my words.

look at this boon. Supporting the guys to get into the HOF and forgeting himself.
How long is this guy now playing and supporting the game? Always here and there Champ. Not dominating but keep a keen eye on him. He will one day.
Now some guys are crying "yeah, he is winning because of his ping"...but if you ask me he would be 3 times better in normal speed. I see that on me. If i fight in fast speed and good ping i am much more better than in slower ping. The faster the gamespeed the better i am (much punches need the effect of surprise. And boons style is partly surprise-based.).

Anyway..the guy that deserve it at the moment is john because he dominates. But i think boon and viper are nearly same level. I cant remember Viper (you got my respect. Always great battles against you...) dominating the way John is doing it these days.
If you, Viper, wanna prove me wrong get more active again and try to get John from his throne for a few days.

I hope i did not hurt someones feelings with my words (lol...what are we? girls? lmfao).

johnbludger wrote:

Woot!!! 100 votes. Man I'm lucky. Maybe redneck. I have been playing for 2 years. I think I have played long enough to get in. OBv1 came out in 2001 right? It took Sal, Larry and Ashton 2 years intil they got in and it could be less. I don't know for sure but im just guessing. i vote is yours. I just said that they can use it as reason. I dont know much about HOF and who is in. If you write that this guys just took 2 years to get in so i see no reason to avoid you this HOF.

I got my own HOF and this name Ashton for example i have never heard before you mentioned him now.
The real HOF is the ranking-list. If you are Champ you are leader of HOF. If you are number 3 you are the 3th best at the moment etc. I think the ranking works good now. I think everyone playing this game and supporting it through playing is HOF.

But some guys are really keen on getting into this HOF. Its amusing me.

Forum Index » Profile for Redneck » Messages posted by Redneck
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