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Messages posted by: Redneck
Forum Index » Profile for Redneck » Messages posted by Redneck
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i thought you are dead already. Shit...lets cancel the party..yacoob is still alive
Get lost running chicken....GET LOST!! What we dont need on OB is a title-sitting chicken killing our nerves.

Ray Johnson wrote:

Great. 100 usless votes. Unfortunately, that's the equivelant of 0 real votes so your post is completely useless. At least you are still slapping yourself in the face.

As for John being in the HOF.. He's done everything he possibly can to be in the HOF, but I don't think current HOF'ers will vote him in because they think it was harder for them to get in. Oh well. Fuck the lul.

i know what you mean ray. I think the main reason why the current HOF dont vote him in will be that he is not long enough playing the game. I think this will be their main reason.

hahaha. Yeah. Thats exactly what i meant. Try 3 different tests and i bet there will be a difference about 20-30. NONSENSE.
But your iq is two times "Einsteins" i think you already know this
Sharon Stone got a 160 That shows the true sense of this tests

johnbludger wrote:
CaptainAmerica wrote:John for president!!!!!

I'd rather not. I don't want to be the guy to lead a corrupted government with a terrible economy. CA whats your opinion on all of this?

lol. We talked about this things (governments, wars etc.)
This iq-tests are nonsense. In one of the tests you got 120 in another you got 148 etc. Its really without much use. On the other hand a guy that archives 150 in an iq-test can be the greates fool around.
IQ is if you manage to be a good guy and making the world a little better (look around...all this dumbfucks even in governments-->and i think they got a good iq-test but with a total failure in life-sense. So most of them are just garbage).

i agree with you boon. If you ask me let John into the HOF. Its not just his skills that should bring him the HOF-status.
He is doing all he can to support OB2D. His Promotion, his statistics...
And he got a good iq, its always a pleasure to discuss things with him etc.

The HOF-guys can test him if they fight against him (ok they are not that active anymore but OB is like riding a bike, the skills stay.) If he dominate them...give him the HOF status.


johnbludger wrote:
Redneck wrote:
EDDIE54 wrote:how does someone sound like an ignorant??

ignoramus you dumb idiot edder. I am so sick and tired of your statements based on my lack of perfectness in this language. Even the dumbest dumbfuck of the universe knows what i mean with my statement. Just the king of idiots got problems with it again.

someone who is ignorant in something = he got no glue about it or just got his iron own opinion and does not accept other opinion for this.
You call someone ignoramus (the word i just wrote as ignorant because in my country its exactly the word we use for them) in your country(oh not your country.. in the country you immigrated).
NOW you got it trailerboy? If not i give you an example of it to show it to you. Dumb piece of shit.


The highlighted statements made my day. I laughed so hard I was crying. Redneck I knew what you was talking about. You can say ignorant person but not an ignorant. Some won't know what you are talking about. Oh and I meant to say Avenged Sevenfold not Avernged Sevenfold. I misspelled the name. Great band but I like Bullet For My Valentine more then AV7. [b]

lol john. It was a pleasure to make you happy
Dick E. Boon 2 wrote:Redneck and Ed, what happened between the 2 of you? I remember you being close friends, talking about dog puppies and all that stuff.

i am just sick and tired of this character. One day he was a very kind and cool guy and the other he acted like an asshole again or backstabbed against someone. In real life i would do everything to avoid friendships with character-wrecks like him. You cant trust him, he is not true if you know what i mean.

EDDIE54 wrote:how does someone sound like an ignorant??

ignoramus you dumb idiot edder. I am so sick and tired of your statements based on my lack of perfectness in this language. Even the dumbest dumbfuck of the universe knows what i mean with my statement. Just the king of idiots got problems with it again.

someone who is ignorant in something = he got no glue about it or just got his iron own opinion and does not accept other opinion for this.
You call someone ignoramus (the word i just wrote as ignorant because in my country its exactly the word we use for them) in your country (oh not your country.. in the country you immigrated).

NOW you got it trailerboy? If not i give you an example of it to show it to you. Dumb piece of shit.

Fatny wrote:

something metal bands have none of, emotion.

Well besides hate! But I guess they're good at hitting the drums and the guitar cords very fast...

you sound like an ignorant. I wrote above that the best ballads are made from hardrock&metal combos. Ballads are pure how can you say this?
I am that tolerant that i respect your music-taste (johnny cash here..). I listen to hard rock/metal/punk. Where is your tolerance, country-fan?
My genre is pure emotion (maybe sometimes hate against the government or bad things...but also love, lust for life or just fantasy-things (blind guardian, rhapsody etc,). Special bands got a depressive style (type o negative for example)..there is something called fun-metal (helloween, tankard)
one of the first rocker is elvis presley (not my kind of music but still rock n roll). Another emotional legend is jimi hendrix... No emotion?
Think about your statement fatny...

johnbludger wrote:
Red Viper wrote:I am cool with your opinion Fatny, but what type of music you listen to.

Yeah, Judas Priest is another band that I listen to.

Most low budget death, thrash, black and heavy metal music in the early 1980's through right now is a billion times better than that high budget mainstream pile of shit that most people listen to today such as pop, modern 2009 rock, gay emo crap, 21st century rap such as Lil Wayne and Soulja Boy, and retarded and blunt music such as Chris Brown and Rihanna and Akon.

Here are some examples

Heres more shitty bands and artists

Fall Out Boy- Stupidest crap I have ever heard and that should not count of rock music same with the All-American Rejects.

Kevin Federline A.K.A. K-Fag- The Worst rapper alive, known to be FU'ed by John Cena on national TV.

Kanye West- So called rapper and waste of life, known to diss Tyler Swift on stage.

Kevin Rudolf- another crappy musician, song is "Let it Rock", but its not not really rock, its pure pile of shit and lame.

Justin Timberlake- the biggest douchebag in the whole planet, shitty music and talks like a sissy.

All-American Rejects- More like the All-American Faggots. Their so called Rock music and they sound like sissies. One of the worst examples of rock music, most of their fanbase are women.

and the rest of the musicians that fall into that category.

I listen to these Rock/Metal bands:

Bullet For My Valentine, Avernged Sevenfold, Metallica, Aerosmith, Blink-182, Van Halen, Ozzy Osbourne, Black Sabbath, Lenny Kravitz, Linkin Park, Disturbed, Tool, Rise Against, My Chemical Romance, Blue Oyster Cult, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Rage Against The Machine, Alice In Chains, Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Tenacious D(Jack Black is awesome), Def Leppard, Guns N' Roses(old and new), Muse, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Korn, Rob Zombie, System of a Down, Black Label Society, Rush, Dream Theater, Judas Priest, Ted Nugent, Iron Maiden, Megadeth, Some Dragonforce, Buckethead, Joe Satriani, Social Distortion, Kiss, AFI, Priestess, The Rolling Stones, Scorpions, White Zombie, Living Colour, The Fall of Troy, An Endless Sporadic, KIllswitch Engage, Dope, Prototype, and Deep Purple.

I agree with you Viper, I hate that Rap bullshit. I don't see the point of it. It shows no skill and can anyone hear what their saying? I don't. Without today's technology rap would be nothing. I absoloutely hate the Fall out Boys and Coldplay. They suck.

i agree with nearly every Pop/Rap musician you listed as fags viper. If i like a pop-song from shakira or kate perry etc. its because they are hot as hell in the videos. I like some of "Anastacia" songs because they are just not as the pop-mainstream, too...but her "frog"-voice is killing my nerves sometimes. Boygroups like Take That, Backstreet Boys etc. are just a bad joke of music...just girls and gays listen this shit if you ask me Other bands that are played sometimes on the radio is cool stuff and i like it..examples: The Cure or Green Day.
But most of the time i just listen to my own music as i listed in the comment before.

Bands that you, John, listed and that i listen to:
Bullet For My Valentine, Avernged Sevenfold (i think you mean Avenged Sevenfold..),Metallica (just their old stuff as i mentioned in comment before), Van Halen, Ozzy Osbourne (just a few songs. His voice is too thinny for me), Linkin Park, Blue Oyster Cult (dont fear the reaper is just cult), Rage Against The Machine (the old one with bombtrack, killing in the name of), Alice In Chains, Pearl Jam (ten is cool stuff), Nirvana (legendary), Tenacious D(Jack Black is awesome and his mate kyle glass? Great entertainment in hardrock music), Guns N' Roses(i just like their old stuff. Appetite for Destruction is cult and perfect if you ask me..), Rob Zombie (yeah i like his style. His band before called "White Zombie" is legendary, too for me), System of a Down (i just like Chop Suey), Rush (i got every cd from them..its just relaxing rock. I like it very much...Roll the bones, Dream Theater (i got everything from then..just the new one is missing in my collection), Judas Priest (legends...Painkiller is one of the most important cds in the 90), Iron Maiden (again some living legends..very cool music and the lyrics are always intelligent and history based), Megadeth (again a living legend. Old Mustaine. Great guitarist and i like his lyrics...together with marty Friedman with the album "Rust in Peace" and "Countdown to Extinction" just amazing), Joe Satriani (yeah, i got a instrumental cd from him. Great guitarist. Together with Yngwie Malmsteen, Marty Friedman, Dave Mustaine and Criss Oliva(RIP) best guitarists in the genre), Kiss(just god gave rocknroll to you), Scorpions (yeah i like some of their songs. Not everything and Wind of Change, Rock me like a hurrican are just killing my nerves because they played them too much on radio, tv) White Zombie (oh..there you go. I said something to it on Rob Zombie...)
...the ones i dont know or that i dont listen to are erased


good to see that some of you guys got a very good taste in music (Viper and John)
Fatny wrote:what's good about these black metal, death metal, anything hard metal musics anyway? To me it all sounds like low budget stuff made in a garage, people making the most noise they can the fastest they can with someone that can't sing but just shouts his death until his vocal chords break.

Mind you i like metallica too, but i don't think there's anything more annoying in this world than the bangs bangs bangs with dead zombie ghoulish vocals "songs" of cradle of filth and the like.

Maybe i just don't get it.


Thats your opinion Fatny. And i respect your opinion. But i can say the same things to all that radio-crap. One song sound like the other....always the same dumb beats...just boring chorus, boring background-vocals work...always the same without any development etc.
As i wrote above i heard the most of this songs in my "wild times". So its not just listen to the was a way to live. I was three summers in Wacken. Maybe you know the greatest heavy metal festival from europe (or is it the greatest of the world? i think so..). Best times of my life...
And Chuck Schuldiner from Death for hear the difference (no garage sound..). He played the death-metal riffs clear as a crystal and with much heart in it.
Nowadays i hear normal rock and softer heavy metal like W.A.S.P., Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Savatage, Dream Theater etc. and Punk Stuff like The Cure, Green Day (even more pop than punk..). I listen to strange stuff like "The Prodigy" or the early "Linkin Park". Sometimes if i feel to do it i listen to Jazz-Internet-Radio Stations.
And i bet you agree if i tell you that the best ballads out there made by hardrock/metal bands (straight out of the Bands like U2 or Bon Jovi got a heavy-metal background, too...i like the old bon jovis (New Jersey, Slippery when wet, Blaze of Glory...the new things are just dumb pop anymore..). A song like "With or without you" from U2 is still one of the greatest songs played on normal radio.
Whats your poison fatny? Country like Johnny Cash? Classical Music like Bach, Beethoven or Mozart? (some of their music is great stuff, too..)

I just like good music, dont matter what categorie. But the best music is in hard-rock, metal, punk at home...but that is just my taste and opinion.

Red Viper wrote:
Redneck wrote:
Red Viper wrote:Ok, why the Johnny Cash Comparision. I know he is a legend in Music, but I don't listen to his type of music. I prefer Thrash, Death and Black Metal over country.

Thats more the kind of music i listen to. In my early years i listened to the same categories (Thrash, Death, Black).
Maybe you know a few bands i watched live: Obituary, Entombed, Samael, Nevermore, Amorphis, Forbidden, Testament etc.

But i am not that wild anymore At the moment i listen to Normal Rock, Heavy Metal (but hardest bands are Thrashmetal. No Death and Black Metal me think...i still listen to "In Flames" and "Children of Bodom" but this two bands are the hardest material i still listen). But i like bands like "The Cure" or "Green Day", too nowadays. I also like some songs from Shakira (Dont bother for example)...she is hot. Some songs from the "XY" Album from Coldplay are also cool.
But the most of the normal radio-pop-shit or country is not my kind of music.


That is why I burn my Mp3's into CD's instead of listening to the radio because radio music in my area sucks and yeah I agree about Shakira is hot.

I got a lot of favorites in the Thrash, Death and Black metal category, but here are some of the bands that I listen to.

Slayer, Venom, Immortal, Dark Funeral, Sepultura, Destruction, Kreator, Metallica, Impiety, Bulldozer, Hellhammer/Celtic Frost, Bathory, Death, Possessed, Dark Angel, Overkill, Mortal Sin, Destroyer 666, Sarcofago, Transmetal, Onslaught, Morbid Angel, P.I.T.T., Rammstein, Nervecell and some of the bands you listen to.

Garbage like Miley Cyrus, The Jonas Brothers, Kanye West and that other mainstream bullshit should be extinct.

Bands you listed that i used to listen to or that i still listen:
-Sepultura (i grow up with that shit...Arise, Chaos A.D. and the one before Arise with My Inner Self dont remember the album title right now.)
-Destruction (Mad Butcher is just cult. A real good live-cd "live without sense")
-Overkill (Feel the Fire, Years of Decay, The Killing Kind are just Cult...the newer things are not as good as the first years of them)
-Morbid Angel (Blessed are the Sick is epic and the first one just "Morbid Angel")
-Metallica (Kill em all, Ride the Lightning, ..and Justice for all, Master of Puppets, the Black Album...everything after that is not the old Metallica-->the new one "Death Magnetics" is harder and more back to the roots again but not the old Metallica...)
-Slayer (Reign in Blood, Hell awaits, South of Heaven, Seasons in the Abyss really just culty stuff)
-Death (R.I.P. Chuck Schuldiner one of my favorite Death Metal guitarists..great stuff like "Leprosy" or "Human")
other bands i listened to but not as deep as in the above mentioned:
-Venom (i prefered the more modern Slayer. The got similar style)
-Celtic Frost and their group before called Hellhammer (good atmosphere but evil lyrics and very dark)
-Rammstein (i used to hear them a lot in the past. Nowadays not that much. But "Keine Lust" is very cool and funny clip.)

Red Viper wrote:Ok, why the Johnny Cash Comparision. I know he is a legend in Music, but I don't listen to his type of music. I prefer Thrash, Death and Black Metal over country.

Thats more the kind of music i listen to. In my early years i listened to the same categories (Thrash, Death, Black).
Maybe you know a few bands i watched live: Obituary, Entombed, Samael, Nevermore, Amorphis, Forbidden, Testament etc.

But i am not that wild anymore At the moment i listen to Normal Rock, Heavy Metal (but hardest bands are Thrashmetal. No Death and Black Metal me think...i still listen to "In Flames" and "Children of Bodom" but this two bands are the hardest material i still listen). But i like bands like "The Cure" or "Green Day", too nowadays. I also like some songs from Shakira (Dont bother for example)...she is hot. Some songs from the "XY" Album from Coldplay are also cool.
But the most of the normal radio-pop-shit or country is not my kind of music.

you guys listen to the wrong music
Dick E. Boon 2 wrote:
Redneck wrote:At the moment they want 8 dollars more in month for that "nonsense"-speed ....

I pay US$30 a month for my lightening fast adsl connection.

i pay 65US$ for a month telephone flatrate foreign-countrys included and dsl 580kb/s speed flatrate.
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