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Forum Index » Profile for goldenboy88 » Topics created by goldenboy88
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Gomez beat Gatti
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24 goldenboy88 50705 18/10/2009 20:31:22
Redneck [Latest Reply]
Boxing discussions
time for me to retire for good 10 goldenboy88 6266 18/10/2008 06:47:53
Dark Destroyer [Latest Reply]
General discussions
1 in a million Ko? 7 goldenboy88 6066 16/10/2008 07:25:46
Mikkel [Latest Reply]
General discussions
so redneck.. the girls I hang out with are ugly eh?
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15 goldenboy88 7883 14/10/2008 00:00:35
johnbludger [Latest Reply]
General discussions
Goldenboy needs a new fighting nickname (real life not OB)
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38 goldenboy88 17468 13/10/2008 23:23:59
johnbludger [Latest Reply]
General discussions
Golden and Boxa are starting a gym (wont die in 3 days)
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41 goldenboy88 19913 05/10/2008 00:18:31
Dream Kid [Latest Reply]
General discussions
facebook? 6 goldenboy88 4485 12/08/2008 21:18:07
goldenboy88 [Latest Reply]
General discussions
farewell Onlineboxing 5 goldenboy88 4480 21/07/2008 22:34:45
CaptainAmerica [Latest Reply]
General discussions
A few fight pictures from saturday
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123 goldenboy88 52268 09/07/2008 18:00:02
goldenboy88 [Latest Reply]
General discussions
followed all directions. why wont 3d work? 6 goldenboy88 6326 07/07/2008 12:46:02
Jens Oso [Latest Reply]
Technical issues
who the hell is this guy? 5 goldenboy88 4504 07/06/2008 04:05:06
Ray Johnson [Latest Reply]
General discussions
Never let this place Die
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52 goldenboy88 18228 02/06/2008 04:07:08
Mikkel [Latest Reply]
General discussions
"Bought With Blood" now looking for members
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36 goldenboy88 17691 23/05/2008 22:08:30
goldenboy88 [Latest Reply]
General discussions
enough is enough strip the champs? 6 goldenboy88 4844 21/05/2008 21:52:35
goldenboy88 [Latest Reply]
General discussions
O R T I Z get on here for the tourney 4 goldenboy88 4805 20/05/2008 20:51:02
M. A R A G O N [Latest Reply]
General discussions
Forum Index » Profile for goldenboy88 » Topics created by goldenboy88
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